The module will teach you:
- What are the contraindications of liver biopsy
- What you need to do before you start the actual procedure
- How to locate the site for the biopsy
- The trolley- what you need on it
- The actual procedure
- The aftercare
What are the contraindications of liver biopsy
- Ascites
- Uncorrected coagulopathy or thrombocytopenia
- Uncooperative patient
What you need to do before you start the actual procedure
- Check Platelet count and clotting and must have group and save
- Within 7-10 days of the procedure- in most outpatient cases where liver disease is stable or within last 24-48hours if inpatient with fluctuating clotting/platelets
- Safe platelet count if >60,000/mm3. Will need platelet transfusion if count is <40,000/mm3
- PT if <4sec prolonged it is ok, if >4sec prolong then use FFP to bring it down
- Will need fasting for 6hours. Can take medications with sips of water.
- Take written informed consent
- Potential benefit should outweigh the risk.
- There should be clear understanding on both side the need for the biopsy
- Mortality <0.1%, significant hemorrhage ( Hb drop of more than 2g/dL) <0.3%, pain 30% and puncture of other viscus 0.01-0.1%
- Prophylactic antibiotic to be given to patients with valvular heart disease or those at risk of bacteraemia
- Anxious patient might need sedation with midazolam ( rarely needed)
How to locate the site for the biopsy
- Percuss in the Mid Axillary line with deep breath in and look for liver dullness – so you know how far down the lung can go. And then go one intercostals space down to avoid causing a pneumothorax.
- This is normally 7/8/9 intercostal space
- Mark rib space ( pressure impression of a plastic needle cover)
- In some hospitals radiologist will mark the spot after a quick ultrasound screen
- If patient is known to have abnormal area in the liver or you want to biopsy an area of interest – then the biopsy has to be done by the radiologist ( real-time)
The trolley- what you need on it
- Menghini needle ( 1.9x 120mm) and a 20ml syringe for suction

Picture1 and 2: The Menghini needle inside the pack: The needle and the stopper( the other two pieces are not used normally)
- Biopsy pot and histology form
- Local anaesthesia ( 1%Lignocaine, 10ml syringe, one green needle and one orange needle)

Picture3: Local anaesthesia
- Scalpel
- Sterile gloves
- Dressing pack
The actual procedure
- Patient lies flat
- Lift the bed high enough so that you can do the biopsy standing
- Clean the area with antiseptic solution
- Infiltrate L/A with a orange needle first – raise a skin bleb- then go perpendicularly down – remember to suck before you inject to avoid injecting into blood vessels
- Change to a green needle and advance needle perpendicularly ( remember the neurovascular bundle runs along the lower edge of the rib and avoid that)
- Then you might feel that the needle is scratching the liver capsule ( withdraw then) or sometime your needle tip will actually be in the liver ( gently supporting the needle will show the syringe to swing side to side with normal respiration- again withdraw)
- Judge that distance ( normally to reach liver capsule it requires three quarter of the length of the green needle and add another 3-4cm to be in actual liver parenchyma
- Mark the required depth on the Menghini needle
- Actual action –
- Put the metal stopper inside the needle( prevents the tissue to be sucked up inside the syringe)
- A tiny incision with the scalpel before you go in with the Menghini needle
- Say ‘take a deep breath in, deep breath out and hold it, hold it, hold it and while you are saying this- introduce the needle
- Introduce up to the mark as judged before ( put your index finger at the mark which will act as reminder) into the liver
- Suck up to 10ml ( remember the tissue is cut with the needle but you need strong suction to break it off from the parenchyma)
- Come out still saying ‘hold it hold it’
- You need a decent core of tissue- 2-3cm in length. Make up to three passes to achieve this. When in doubt whether you have obtained liver tissue or just blood/fat- remember liver tissue will sink at the bottom of the pot.

Picture4: Decent core of liver tissue
- Air flush the needle into the biopsy pot- that should expel the tissue from the inside of the needle into the pot
- Don’t forget to write accurate and relevant clinical history for the histopathologist- particularly mentioned about alcohol, drugs, viral profile, serological profile and your exact clinical question

Picture5: Pot and the form
The aftercare
- Patient lies on right lateral position for 1 hour and then on back
- Prescribe prn Paracetamol/codeine
- Vital signs to be checked every 15mts for two hours post biopsy, thwn every 30mts for another two hours and then hourly for a total of six hours
- Patient can go home after 6hours if ok
- Should have a responsible person to stay with on the first post biopsy night and should be able to return to hospital within 30mts if need arise

Liver- The photo is centered on a normal liver lobule taken by core needle biopsy.
Article printed from Gastroenterology Education and CPD for trainees and specialists: