The total iron deficit is calculated using the Ganzoni formula:
Total iron deficit =
Body weight [kg] x (Target Hb - Actual Hb) [g/dL] x 2.4 + 500mg ( to replenish the iron store if body weight >35kg)
Most adult patients require a cumulative dose of elemental Fe of at least one gram
Iron can be given intravenously as total dose infusion using preparations like iron-dextran (cosmofer) or iron- carboxymaltose (Ferinject). However iron-sucrose(Venofer) needs to be given in split doses.
The calculators allow you to enter patient specific information to calculate a simple score. All information is provided for educational purposes only. This information is not intended to replace clinical judgement. All calculations must be rechecked and should not be used alone to guide patient care. The user assumes sole responsibility for any decisions or action taken based on the information contained here.
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